Monday, March 20, 2023

Jadi Seorang Ayah Is ...

 Being a dad is tough .. tapi, apa2 pun, you got to toughen it out. That is what I learned today. Hope I can apply it. It was the first of school for da kids. Penat oo .... 

buat2 cerita

Sunday, March 19, 2023

Prep Utk Sekolah Anak2

 20/3/23 tarikh yg menarik ... semua anak2 den akan ada dalam sistem persekolahan Malaysia. Farah masuk form 1 PPKI, H masuk tahun 1, dan Zara mulakan her final 2 years of secondary education.

I want to do better for them, InsyaAllah. They deserve better. :D

Okay, kiddos, here's to a new school year :D

sebelum potong rambut ... H pikir2 dulu