Saturday, October 12, 2024

Notebook 121024

 1) One of the rare moments of life where I did really some deep reflection.

2) Bersyukurlah. Pain is love.

 3) Related to no 1), it was the ShopeeExpress experience.


When it was all over, this was the first song.

Friday, October 11, 2024

Notebook 111024



 One of the songs that remind me of Fall 93 .. masa sampai DC dulu ..

Thursday, October 10, 2024

Notebook 101024

 1) what a tiring day ... By ptg, I was watching weekend update, mj, Prince Madonna videos ... otak rasa tepu ..

2) The ISM kids make me realize I still like teaching. The energy still ada, especially when the prep is done. Cewah ...


Itulah hidup, sometimes happy, sometimes sad

Tuesday, October 08, 2024

Notebook 081024

1) kecoh beberapa hari ni ttg Fattah Fazura. So far, den tengok Fattah has been smart playing it..Fazz is over enthusiastic. Oh well, it is what it is. Done.

2) Little changes do make a difference, especially for the better 


satu lagu klasik r n b

Monday, October 07, 2024

Notebook 071024

 1) Plan and follow your plan ... most things settle :D

2) Roll with it ... one thing that keeps playing in my mind lately ...




 Nasihat Stallone ttg hidup