Friday, July 26, 2024

Notebook 250724 Tentang Keretapi

 Hari ni, as I am doing kerja2 as usual, cerita  'The Little Engine That Could', asyik bermain2 di kepala.

Ini yang saya ingat ..

There was a little train engine that was the slowest train in the station. He was always looked down by other engines, as he was slow, and that made him sad. 

One day, while he was on the rail, he listened to what his wheels was saying. His wheels were saying, "Take Your Time, Take Your Time", repeatedly. Oh, that is why I am slow, he thought. So he continued, as usual. A few days later, he listened to his wheels again. He heard the same thing, that he heard last time, so he continued on his journey, arriving late as usual. The next trip, he told himself that he wanted to really listen to his wheels, to see whether what was he really listening is true. The next trip, he listened carefully. Strange, he thought, there were no words. Silence. He felt better, and started to move faster. After a few moments, he heard a whisper. The words became louder and louder. It was " Hurry Up! Hurry Up! ", and it was repeating over and over again. The train moved faster and arrived early at his destination. From then onwards, all he heard from his wheels were "Hurry Up, Hurry Up", and he was never the slowest train again.


Lesson? You tell me. ;)


Olympics by Guardian Sport coverage here.

Come as You Are I Say ...

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Notebook 240724 aka da Reboot

I am posting daily again from now on. Around this time.

Am back, for good.



Jumpa clear HD video of this classic :) wohoo

Misc Links

Tour de France 2024 Stage by Stage Guide

Friday, July 12, 2024

Genap Setahun Pemergian Arwah B

 Hari ini genap pemergian arwah setahun. Sigh ... do I miss him? yeah, a bit ... especially masa jalan2, or having fun ... wished he was around, to add his cheekiness ... tapi, dah redha I guess ..

Pergi melawat kubur arwah di Seremban... a pleasant surprise dapat bertembung dengan my parents :) ... dapat la tolong depa kemas kubur arwah sedikit. I think they miss him more, which is perfectly understandable.

Later, B.

Sunday, June 30, 2024

Masa Dengan Kawan

 Hari ini lepak dengan Taufik, masukkan alarm baru ke kereta Myvi. Kerja2 tu mcm biasa la ... tp yg penting ialah menghabiskan masa dengan seorang sahabat lama. Thanks boy :)

Thursday, June 20, 2024

What I did on my 51st birthday


in the morning

I had a really good brunch :D mee goreng plus eggs

makan petang with Errol n VI

post lunch :D

Had makan petang at Mak Kimbong 2.30 pm onwards, with my two best buds

Sunday, June 09, 2024

Teringat Gilby Clarke ex Guns N Roses

 Read this interview interview kt Guitar World with Gilby Clarke. Teringat zaman dia main rhythm guitar with Guns and Roses. Oklah, he was good during the live shows.

The two videos bawah ni, interviews with Gilby are nice.

part 1

part 2

nice live performance with Slash - lagu Wild Horses cover -

Coretan Tentang Zara Sempena Her 17 Birthday

 Pada hari ini 9 June 2024, Zara turns 17 :D juga dia berkawad dengan rakan2 sekolah dia.

                                                                    geng2 kawad

solo pix depan sign Hari Sukan

Dua coretan tentang Zara, sempena birthday dia

Bila confirm Linda positive pregnant dengan Zara, my first word was "Alamak" :P

First time hantar baby Zara ke baby-sitter, masa tu dia berumur dua bulan, the mummy (Linda) cried buckets of tears. :D

Happy 17 Girl!

dengar lagu ni, mesti ingat cerita Zara :D 

Friday, June 07, 2024

Back Again ... and Again

 Den kembali untuk menulis, setelah ada tujuan untuk menulis :P oh ya .. check out dokumentari 'This Is Johan' at VIU. Best weii... esp, buat peminat2 Too Phat. Ada kt sinisini.

Ala Canggung ... Let's Party