Saturday, August 17, 2024

Notebook 170824

 1)  Always that chip on my shoulder ...

2) EPL season dah start sejak semalam ... so no troll for me.


my song when feeling grrr

Friday, August 16, 2024

Notebook 160824

 1) Apa2 yang berlaku kepada kita mungkin  bukan 100% salah kita, tetapi 100% tanggungjawab kita.

2) Aku suka lagu video bawah. Reminds me of real love... 


Blackpink - Stay (Live)


Ramai betul pemain2 Chelsea untuk permulaan musim EPL 24/25. Link.

Thursday, August 15, 2024

Notebook 150824

 1) Mimpi Siang Hari

Lokasi - kws sempadan malaysia thai

Saya sedang makan di kedai makan. Habis makan, saya naik kereta alza saya, tetapi rupa2nya its not alza saya. Salah alza.
Pusing nak htr balik, on the way, berhenti tepi jalan. Ada lihat dan terdengar sekumpulan lelaki kecek kelate yg i dont understand.

Then, my hp alarm berbunyi ...

--> tidak pasti apa maksudnya, tp yg pasti, bermimpi ni maksudnya tidur nyenyak, so okaylah tu


"The way is shut ... it was made by those who are dead .... " .. tgk video kt bawah.


suka tgk scenes from LOTR - Return Of The King

Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Notebook 140824

 1) Am still got the grrr inside of me. Still a bit angry at the world, with a  chip on mah shoulder.

2) Bila amarah melanda, I tell myself, " Don't go there ", kerana pulut, santan binasa ...

3) Bersyukur dan terus berusaha. Mimpi tanpa usaha tidak berguna. #laskarpelangi


I stay awayyyyyyy

Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Notebook 130824

1) Melihat anak gembira dalam apa yang mereka buat adalah nikmat yang berharga. Treasure it!

2) Read this quote on FB today and it struck me like a thunderbolt 

"If your absence did not bother them, then your presence never meant anything to them."

Credit: FB Pak Adib


Satu lagu klasik George Michael

Oh yeah ... jom goyang2 

Monday, August 12, 2024

Notebook 120824

Hari ini memang mengingatkan lagi pentingnya tidur. I function better when I get my zzzs.

Jaga2 your inner voice. Ia banyak membantu/menghalang/memusnahkan kita.


One of my favorite classic movie scenes

Sunday, August 11, 2024

Notebook 110824

 Today memang family time .. tp mcm2 main in my head la. Have to write it all down. Am I tired? I think so la ... life reboot in order me thinks.

One thing I like about the Olympics, as it reminds me, is the triumph of the human spirit .. and the highs and lows of life. Gotta keep the focus and effort, in spite of those inner voices.

Let's have a good day tomorrow.


who do you need, who do you love, when you come undone ..