Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Forgiveness Is The Only Way To Let Go

I always had issues of letting go in the past. Most, if not all, stems from anger of injustice, shit, et al. One of the major issues I had was how my attempted return to a previous workplace, DagangNet, was shattered due to so called company policy, even though I thought my return would be accepted with open arms. Esp, with the person who was handling HR during that time. In a way, she was clear that I would not be accepted back, even though the rest of them knew but were too p***y to tell it straight up.
I carried the hurt/grudge for a while .. and though I thought I had let it go, a recent event affecting DagangNet made it realize that it was still an issue inside. After a while, I decided that I should just tell the person that gave me the shock years ago .... through FB chat. I told her the whole story and basically said this ... I apologize for hating her what she did to me, and I forgave her for screwing me during that time, as she performing her duties at that time, and wished her the best for the future. It was closure, and I was relieved. I did not pay attention to whatever she said, as it did not matter any more. I finally let go ....
I guess, in the end, if you have issues, go to the core and decide what to do. Remember, you can forgive and move on. Usually you will not forget it, but it is easier to move on.