1) Yakin. Believe. Penting untuk hidup.
2) Nak bergerak ke hadapan, be ready to change/evolve. Kadang2, perubahan itu kecil sahaja, tetapi, ia perlu.
A blog by Ome, who writes about various stuff, both personal and professional. A work in progress, as always, as life is ..
1) Yakin. Believe. Penting untuk hidup.
2) Nak bergerak ke hadapan, be ready to change/evolve. Kadang2, perubahan itu kecil sahaja, tetapi, ia perlu.
1) when wisdom comes, appreciate it.
2) Rasa sedikit down, ngeluh2 .. tapi, emosi .. it comes and goes .. so it is okay. Terima dan jalan teruih.
1) Bila bertanya soalan yang betul, akan jumpa jawapan yang betul. InsyaAllah. All glory to Him.
2) keep the focus, and do the work :)
1) Gong Xi Fa Cai :D
2) setahun sekali, catch up with Law. Itu mesti.
lagu CNY moden :P
1) What you focus, matters for the success on what you want/need to do.
2) get freaky at times.
tu dia
1) Mati itu pasti. One of the few sure things in this world.
2) In the end, it does not even matter. What does matter, is what matters to you, bukan orang lain keliling anda.
no video
1) PakLong passed away. R.i.p sir.