Saturday, September 07, 2024

Notebook 070924

 1) Saya tengok apa yang anda buat, bukan apa anda yang CAKAP. Bak kata, words are nothing, action is everything.

2) Redha - everytime things go crap up, redha je la. 


Friday, September 06, 2024

Thursday, September 05, 2024

Notebook 050924

1) Syukur2... a breakthrough. Stay humble and keep working on your craft bro.

2) Jenaka politik malam ini - PMX jumpa Putin, dia jumpa puting. : D siapa dia? Hahaha ... ada la hang tu ... : P

3) Mr Discman is due a post 


When I am feeling grr... I usually play this tune


Wednesday, September 04, 2024

Notebook 040924

 1) Buat dengan apa yang ada sekarang. Salah satu pelajaran hidup yang akan berulang2.

2) Focus2 on what matters. Ignore the shiny objects.

3) Cold weekend? maybe ...


Lagu ini bagus untuk nasihat hidup


Dalam artikel di bawah, Ryan Holiday menasihatkan kita supaya berpegang ke realiti dan bukan cerita. 

This Is Why You Don’t Want To Tell Yourself Stories

Tuesday, September 03, 2024

Notebook 030924

 1) what's the point of impressing people who you thought were your friends, but are not really your friends? good question

2) You do you. Sama macam Be Yourself.

3) Dua Hati Biru ada di Netflx, dan best, khusus buat yang menonton sebelum ini, Dua Garis Biru.


Salah satu lagu Indo kegemaran


trailer Dua Hati Biru

Monday, September 02, 2024

Sunday, September 01, 2024

Notebook 010924

 1) Bersyukur dan redha. Konsep yang direinforcekan hari ini.

2) Wealth is health. Again reminded today. Harap the best for Aunty Zah.

3) Benda trading tu nampak clear sikit ... 


Sometimes, it is just too much