Saturday, September 14, 2024

Notebook 140924

 1) Take care of your parents, if depa still around. Berbaloi.

2) Tsutaya ni aura kedai dia mmg menarik.


Fanatik luuuuuu

Friday, September 13, 2024

Notebook 130924

 1) Tentang GISB, I have heard of dem stories ... so am gonna wait for further developments. Tapi, have never been their customer anyway.

2) Spending time dengan family ni mmg berharga. Enjoying da moments.

3) Stop blaming everyone for your fucking problems.


tengok 3) sebab video di bawah

Thursday, September 12, 2024

Notebook 120924 KRU

 1) Kegagalan mengajar kita untuk rendah diri, tawakkal, dan terus berusaha. Jangan jadi bodoh sombong dan menidakkan realiti. It is what it is.

2) Rindu CH aka Tanah Rata ;) 


Bercakap dengan item 1), terus teringat lagu di bawah.

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Notebook 110924

 1) Tony Robbins pernah berkata, salah satu perkara yang paling senang untuk mengubah hidup ialah untuk menaikkan tahap piawaian anda ... raise your standards.

2) The obstacle becomes the way. I faced an obstacle with my son, H and I learnt that it was an obstacle which lead to me some new insights in raising H. 


u gotta live your life

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Notebook 100924 edisi James Earl Jones

 1) The voice of Vader and Mufasa passed away siang tadi (waktu Malaysia). Senang cerita, oranag seangkatan dengan den pasti ada kenangan tengok cerita dia atau dengar suara dia.

a simple bio of him

Antaranya ...

The Jack Ryan movies - Admiral James Greer 

Big Bang Theory guest starring

Mamat ni lejen!


"I find your lack of faith disturbing"

- one of my favorite Star Wars scenes ever

2) Fokus dengan apa yang ko boleh buat sekarang, bukan apa yang ko wish ko boleh buat.

Monday, September 09, 2024

Notebook 090924

 1)  Redha. And am really seeing Meditations by Marcus Aurelius in a new light.

2) Taking care of self is also important. Especially sleep.

3) Uncomfortable things ...u gotta face em.


lagu wedding me n Linda

kenal sapa kt tengah tu? tgk video atas ... jumpa dia semalam ... the lady is his mrs

Sunday, September 08, 2024

Notebook 080924

 While driving to wedding Nadiah anak Ace, these thoughts came to me

1) Be strict with yourself,  but tolerant with others.

While thinking about the people who  did not come, I realized that I set my standards to them, and it was not their problem. This phrase was mooted by Ryan Holiday, and I really did not understand until today.

2) Keep your standards, let others choose theirs

Related to number 1), you do your standards. Because your standards affects you.

3) Who are my circle of friends?

I read a friends's FB post and made me think hard about my circle. Penny for future thoughts.

4) Never knew there was a jamming session with gendang and kompang is possible

The story I heard from Mr Azran, about that jamming session, during the merisik sessions for his kids, was hilarious and mind blowing.


aku kangen sama kamu