Tuesday, July 20, 2021

Looking Back, It is Ok ....

 Malam tadi, join kejap majlis tahlil budak2 Jasin SPM 90 for a few covid-19 patients.

Saw some of the faces on that Meet, I got awashed a bit on nostalgia, but that is it. Abis je bacaan Yasin tu, I left. It is difficult to classify/clarify my Jasin years ... took me a while to really put it behind, and I must admit my 20s were really screwed up due to Jasin experience. In the end, it was my choice kan. So, I chose to leave after the Yasin, didn't want to chit-chat, etc.

Making peace with the past is really important. If not, it is like a ball of chain, dragging you to continuously behind. You don't have to like it. Just accept it.

Oleh itu, aku bersyukur. Bersyukur yang aku masih aku, dapat berjalan terus. Aku ada masa sekarang dan masa hadapan untuk dinikmati dan diusahai. 

gambar malam Aidiladha 2021

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