Sunday, September 08, 2024

Notebook 080924

 While driving to wedding Nadiah anak Ace, these thoughts came to me

1) Be strict with yourself,  but tolerant with others.

While thinking about the people who  did not come, I realized that I set my standards to them, and it was not their problem. This phrase was mooted by Ryan Holiday, and I really did not understand until today.

2) Keep your standards, let others choose theirs

Related to number 1), you do your standards. Because your standards affects you.

3) Who are my circle of friends?

I read a friends's FB post and made me think hard about my circle. Penny for future thoughts.

4) Never knew there was a jamming session with gendang and kompang is possible

The story I heard from Mr Azran, about that jamming session, during the merisik sessions for his kids, was hilarious and mind blowing.


aku kangen sama kamu

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