Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Jonah Lomu and Me (Saya Dan Jonah Lomu)

Hari ini, dunia sukan dikejutkan dengan pemergian mengejut legenda ragbi New Zealand, Jonah Lomu. Berita itu dilaporkan oleh akhbar The Guardian, antaranya.

Beliau memang sensasi ragbi ketika bermain dan saya berpeluang menonton beliau di puncak kegemilangan, apabila pasukan New Zealand menang pingat emas acara ragbi 7 (rugby sevens) di Sukan Komanwel 1998 Kuala Lumpur. Sehari suntuk saya lepak menonton ragbi 7 di Stadium Kelana Jaya, tempat acara ragbi 7. Keputusannya, ye .. New Zealand menang pingat emas. Yang manisnya, ragbi 7 dipertandingkan sebagai acara sukan Komanwel untuk kali pertama.

Saya ingat menonton aksi beliau ketika Malaysia menentang New Zealand .. it's like watching men against schoolboys ... New Zealand meratah Malaysia 53-0. Tabik semangat juang pasukan Malaysia tetapi, they were simply outclassed. Melihat Jonah Lomu lari langgar pemain ragbi Malaysia, macam melihat bola bowling melanggar bowling pins, jatuh berterabur pemain Malaysia. He was that good.

Di bawah adalah video aksi-aksi beliau. Aksi beliau bermain melawan pasukan Malaysia mula minit 2:27

Aksi pasukan New Zealand melakukan haka selepas menang perlawanan pingat emas melawan Fiji

Thanks for the great rugby memories, Jonah :)

Sunday, November 01, 2015

Eternal Life Lessons .... Oasis - Roll With It

Beberapa pelajaran yang saya dapat dari sekolah 'hidup' dalam 24 jam 1) When the why is STRONG, you will figure out and find the WAY 2) Mistakes will be made, but LEARN and APPLY it next time smile emoticon

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Power of Focus, Personal Version

I wrote this post for my online biz English blog on the power of focus, and can't help but think it can be applied for other aspects of life as well.

My main mistake, I admit, was spreading myself too thin and multi-tasking too much. Yep, multi-tasking too much. So, for the past few months, I have been experimenting with focus on smaller to-do list at work .. but working deep on them. The result? no surprise, I got more work done! It was quite simple ..

1. What is the preferred end result?
2. What is the plan to get there?
3. Execute the plan
4. Adjust the plan, depending on feedback.

There it is. And it works ...  I am planning to implement it in my online businesses to improve my online business. And, in my personal life as well.

And like I wrote in my BM business blog here, most of the time, we have already whatever to begin the change ....


Sunday, October 25, 2015

Change is Coming .....

Change is coming .... and I know it is for real ....

a new career path?
addition to el familia?

All I know that is unstoppable. How to deal with it? woohoo...

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Why I didn't go .....

I have been wanting to write this post for a while ... but now only came to it ... ada dua majlis reunion tempat belajar berlangsung pada bulan lepas .... Jasin dan IU10. Dan aku tidak pergi, walapupun mahu pada mulanya, mahu sangat2...

why? It brought bad memories of what really happened there in both places. I romanticized it a little bit and the reunions made me realize that I was not really happy and had issues. My fear was that being there, I would feel all bad again .... especially realizing that am not at my potential due to issues I faced at both places ....

I didn't fret later, and knew I made good decisions not to go. I was not missed and it did not really matter to me. I saw me for what I was, in friendships, I was close to a few friends and that's alright. I am suited and I like to do stuff where I am in control. Probably, that explains why trading fx and internet marketing appeals to me, as I do not have to meet so many people. Another self discovery.

Will I go again? Probably, yes ... when I am ok .. and have made peace with both memories ...  and worked out the issues ...

This song makes so much sense ....

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Rindu Kepada Kawan

Kebelakangan ini, aku merindui rakan-rakan zaman umur 20an. Zaman di mana aku begitu 'carefree' ;-) namun, kebanyakan kami kini hidup dengan haluan masing-masing. Dapat berjumpa sekali sekala untuk mengambil tahu situasi terkini masing2.
Mungkin aku rindu masa-masa lampau dengan mereka, yang pasti tidak akan kembali. Dan kini masa-masa lampau itu menjadi kisah klasik di masa hadapan.

Treasure your times with your friends, for you don't know how long it will last ...

Thursday, August 20, 2015

Four Weddings And A Funeral, Good Will Hunting & Beautiful Girls

For the past two days, watched these three movies, while working .. casual watching...

Four Weddings And A Funeral
Good Will Hunting
Beautiful Girls

There is a pattern here .... can you see it? For the record, I never tire re-watching them. Each viewing shows me wrinkles which I did not see before ...

Monday, July 27, 2015

Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri 2015

Salam semua pembaca,

Tidak lambat untuk saya ucapkan Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri kepada semua pembaca Muslim (Muslim readers of my blog). Maaf Zahir Batin ;-)

Ps/ kami sekeluarga menerima berita baik sempena Hari Raya. Murah rezeki. Amin.

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

A Story About A Girl

There is a story about this girl ...

Suffice to say, she is not what I dreamt and wanted .. but she is what I need .... :)

Happy Anniversary, awak ..... dah 9 tahun tu!

Monday, July 13, 2015

Pemburu Bayang

Baru ku tahu selama ini aku pemburu bayang. Pernahkah pemburu bayang mencapai apa yang diburunya? Tidak kan. Aku telah sedar. Kerja yang sia-sia tetapi akhirnya tidak menghasilkan apa-apa.

Friday, July 03, 2015

I Love Kicks Part One

A simple confession .. I am into athletic shoes specifically basketball .. so when I saw this feature on Nike Zoom Air technology, I had to check it out and put it in here for future reference ;-) .. look at the unit for KD8 .. full spec yo ...

Just needed to post something here .... ;-)

Thursday, June 18, 2015

Aiyo ... Move On La ....

These last few days was a good flashback for me ... I guess , at times, I was in a melancholic mood .... I learnt a new insight, probably not new for some people ... but it is this ... ASK YOURSELF WHERE YOU WANT TO GO .. And Work Towards There .... not your coulda, shoulda, wouldas of the past. Am so guilty of that ...

It's all in the mind ... it's all in the mind ....

Friday, May 22, 2015

David Letterman's Final Show - All Highlights Here

All the stuff that happened in the final show of The Late Show With David Letterman, May 20th .. all from the official Youtube of the Late Show. Go there for more stuff :)

The Start

Letterman Final Entrance

The Monologue

David wishes the best for his replacement, Stephen Colbert

The Top 10 List - Celebrity Top 10 Things I've Always Wanted To Say To Dave

A Day In The Life of David Letterman

David Letterman and the Kids

The Letterman Final Thank You and Good Night

 The Letterman Show highlights featuring Foo Fighters

The Letterman Final Credits

Thank you, Dave .. especially for your Top 10 Lists :) you will be missed ...

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Last Morning In Jinan

last morning in Jinan, and it has to be a wet morning .. just like my first morning. :)

Sunday, May 17, 2015


Saya tidak suka diherdik. And it really hurts when it is done by a loved one, and in public. You know who your real family are, and it hurts. Ok, fear and anger, your turn to play ....

Saturday, May 16, 2015

How I Met Your Mother aka 14 May 2015

Pada penghujung tahun 2005, sekitar November, ada satu majlis keramaian anjuran rakan-rakan di Hotel Grand Pacific, berdekatan PWTC. Majlis hi-tea. Saya dah register nak pergi. Petang itu, hujan sekitar kawasan perumahan saya ketika itu (Damansara Damai). Memang rasa tidak mahu pergi, sebab masa itu bermotor lagi. Tapi, sebab dah berjanji dengan penganjur, kita pergi juga.

Majlis keramaian ini, meraikan Aidilfitri, antara kami. Macam biasa, bila jumpa kawan2, masa berlalu begitu cepat. Makan dan borak-borak. :) Pada majlis itu, ada dua rakan puteri baru yang saya berkenalan, A dan B.

Pada masa itu, memang keadaan diri ini, sedikit sunyi, sebab my best friend, Errol, baru sahaja melangsungkan perkahwinan. Sudah tidak ada geng :P ... so have to find new diversion, so to speak ...

Ikut style zaman itu, mula la rajin sms A and B sejak berjumpa. A, best friend rakan saya, Khai, manakala B, seorang yang bekerja di industri insurans. Respon B suam2 kuku, in other words, maybe dia tidak berminat, manakala A pula memberikan respon yang sangat baik. Terlalu baik ;-)

Nak ringkaskan cerita, enam bulan selepas itu, pada 14 May 2006, aku dan A bertunang. 14 May adalah tarikh hari jadi beliau. Dan tepat dua bulan selepas itu, kami telah bernikah.

Tahun ini untuk raikan hari jadinya, kami ke IOI City Mall, menonton  Avengers Age of Ultron, di GSC, dan makan di Tony Roma's. The movie was excellent and we had a good time.

Happy birthday, awak :) terima kasih kerana kejar saya pada masa kita dating-dating dulu :)

and here's hoping to many more years of happiness ... :)

gambar terbaru keluarga kami

Friday, May 01, 2015

Lawatan ke PBAKL 2015

Lama sudah tidak ada isi.. baru ada isi untuk tulis kembali ...

Siang tadi, pergi ke PBAKL 2015 di lokasi biasa, PWTC. Ramai orang, pelbagai peringkat umur dan ragam. Pelbagai penerbit, seperti dahulu.

Gambar menunjukkan buku-buku yang dibeli. Buku-buku yang dijamin akan dibaca :)

Saya mahu meneroka alam buku Indie yang semakin popular di Malaysia. Jikalau anda lihat buku Saiful Nang di atas, pasti anda ingat penerbit, penerbit baru, pada hal, di sebaliknya, adalah penerbit popular.

Kisah di sebalik buku2 yang dibeli

Koleksi Ujang dan Ayop Anak Tulakang dibeli di booth Creative Enterprise. Nostalgia zaman kanak-kanak, semasa saya gemar membaca Gila-Gila. Masa di booth Creative Enterprise, rasa sedih melihat keadaan Creative Enterprise yang tidak seberapa berbanding penerbit2 tempatan yang lain, padahal mereka adalah antara veteran penerbitan negara.

Buku Not terbitan clan, dibeli secara tunai dari sahabat lama FB, Cik Husna, sebagai menyokong usaha penulisan beliau. Sempat bergambar dengan Puan Husna yang saya kenal sejak zaman Karipap-karipap Cinta PTS ;-)

ihsan FB Puan Husna Adnan

Buku-buku Dubook Press yang saya beli timbul dari perasaan ingin tahu mengenai keistimewaan Dubook yang saya dengar sejak sebulan dua, di FB rakan penulis .. buku mereka jenis Indie ... tiga buku yang saya beli dipilih berdasarkan imbasan bacaan isi mereka. Bermulalah penerokaan saya ke alam buku Indie yang popular di kalangan muda-muda sekarang.

Sama dengan buku Fixi, trilogi tulisan cik Gina ... masa melawat booth Fixi di tingkat 4, pada mulanya saya tidak mahu beli apa-apa buku Fixi, kerana buku fiksyen Fixi lain dari yang lain. Terus terang, buku-buku Fixi meneroka alam di hujung, 'edge'.. bukan buku-buku tipikal. Jadi buyer beware, Akhirnya saya beli sebab memang tertarik dengan Ngeri,dan keramahan Cik Gina melayan celoteh saya mengenai buku-bukunya. Another book arena to ponder.

Saiful Nang. Hmm, saya hormat dan kagum dengan beliau. Ramai yang bersetuju bila saya katakan yang beliau adalah pemangkin kepopulariti fotografi perkahwinan Melayu. Jika anda tidak pernah membaca blog beliau, buku ini adalah permulaan yang bagus kerana ia adalah kompilasi tulisan blog/FB beliau. Mengapa saya beli ialah saya nak tahu apa yang membuat beliau 'tick'. I do not agree with some of his words, especially nowadays, tetapi give credit where it's due. Beliau berjaya dalam bidang beliau dan kerja kebajikan beliau di bawah Rumah Warga Prihatin harus dicontohi.


Jumpa Prof Kami dan Kak Roza di booth UMKI anjuran Blink. Aduh, Prof, maaf kerana lama tidak ikut UMKI. Saya akan ikut kembali. It's good to have you and Kak Roza back here in Malaysia. Beliau dan Kak Roza masih begitu, semangat dan bersahaja. It feels like I have known them for a long while.

Jumpa tuan Syaizul Amal di Gempak Starz :) sempat tegur beliau dan berborak sekejap. Salah seorang tokoh penerbitan buku Malaysia yang saya hormati dan kagumi. Tidak lokek berkongsi ilmu dan cerita perniagaan buku Blink.

Kesimpulannya, lawatan yang okay, tapi tidak semeriah bagi saya macam tahun-tahun dahulu. Am I getting more cynical, atau saya kepenatan masa itu..

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Forgiveness Is The Only Way To Let Go

I always had issues of letting go in the past. Most, if not all, stems from anger of injustice, shit, et al. One of the major issues I had was how my attempted return to a previous workplace, DagangNet, was shattered due to so called company policy, even though I thought my return would be accepted with open arms. Esp, with the person who was handling HR during that time. In a way, she was clear that I would not be accepted back, even though the rest of them knew but were too p***y to tell it straight up.
I carried the hurt/grudge for a while .. and though I thought I had let it go, a recent event affecting DagangNet made it realize that it was still an issue inside. After a while, I decided that I should just tell the person that gave me the shock years ago .... through FB chat. I told her the whole story and basically said this ... I apologize for hating her what she did to me, and I forgave her for screwing me during that time, as she performing her duties at that time, and wished her the best for the future. It was closure, and I was relieved. I did not pay attention to whatever she said, as it did not matter any more. I finally let go ....
I guess, in the end, if you have issues, go to the core and decide what to do. Remember, you can forgive and move on. Usually you will not forget it, but it is easier to move on.

Sunday, March 01, 2015

Mortality Is Here .....

Earlier tonight, I had a reunion of sorts with a bunch of guys from my form one days in SM Vivekananda. I was late, due to car problems. A few of them turned up ... the one major thing that was playing in the back of mind was simply " .. dang, we met nearly 30 years ago! .." THIRTY YEARS ago ... when I was a kid, 30 years seemed so far away .... but here we are ...

Had a great time and realized that I have kinda moved on ...  and I had pleasant memories of that time ...

the picture above was my form one picture .. my one and only year there ... but great memories ...

Saturday, February 07, 2015

The Whys - Why I Do What I Do Nowadays ......

Nowadays, when I wonder why I am doing what I am doing, especially relating to my non work ventures, all I have to do is look at the three reasons sleeping each night.
Doakan ku berjaya, my loves :)

Me and My 3 Loves :)

Monday, February 02, 2015

Syukur Dan Regret

Beberapa hari lepas, saya dapat tahu yang bekas majikan saya, DNT, mengeluarkan VSS (Voluntary Separation Scheme), untuk mengurangkan jumlah staf mereka sebanyak 40%. Dan di gambar-gambar FB kawan, ada menunjukkan rakan-rakan yang menerima VSS ini. Kadarnya agak okay sesuai dengan khidmat lama mereka di sana.
Untuk beberapa jam, saya kembali marah, terguris dengan kenangan kerja di sana, di mana usaha untuk kembali setelah meninggalkan ditolak mentah2. Kerana, seingat saya, ada yang mendapat VSS itu ikut pengalaman saya, bukan kerja seberapa tetapi pandai bermain arus politik di DNT dalam kerja mereka. "Tak Guna!", "Pandai Getting Something For ..." ... di penghujung hari, saya sedar sebenarnya, ia hanyalah perasaan cemburu dan penyesalan. Di minda hanya bermain fikiran, kalaulah aku kan ..... Jadi, aku let go. Tahniah kepada mereka dan semoga sukses di masa hadapan. Masa untuk ke hadapan.
Kesimpulannya, kita harus bersyukur dengan apa yang kita.. fokus kepada hari ini dan masa hadapan, bukan masa lepas. Yang uniknya, kesimpulan ini aku kutip semasa minum malam Ahad lepas, semasa minum malam dengan 2 rakan sekolah rendah lama di Mahbub, Bangsar - Majid dan Kapit.

Aku Bersyukur , Fokus Kepada Hari Ini Dan Masa Hadapan!

Thursday, January 29, 2015

Small Signals, Large Signals

Satu perkara tentang kehidupan kita ialah perlunya kita mendengar suara hati yang kadangkala memberi petanda tentang keadaan kita sekarang. Orang putih kata, instinct. Bila petanda itu kecil, harus diberi perhatian, walaupun ia kecil. Sebab, bila kita ambil mudah tentang petanda kecil, petanda besar akan datang dan memaksa kita memberi perhatian.

Sunday, January 25, 2015

Sistem Untuk Hidup

Saya sedang buat satu ujikaji. Ujikaji di mana apa yang saya mahu capai, saya akan fokuskan kepada merangka dan menjalankan sistem ke arah apa yang mahu dicapai.

Buat masa ini, saya applikasikan secara khusus kepada kerja di pejabat. Hasilnya, setakatini, meberangsangkan. Kualiti kerja menunjukkan peningkatan yang baik. I am handling the work better.

Senang sahaja langkahnya,

  1. senaraikan apa yang perlu dilakukan ----> input
  2. hasilnya ---> output
  3. bagaimana output boleh diperbaiki --> feedback
  4. masukkan feedback ke input ...

Saya mendapat ilham untuk sistem sebegini, setelah membaca buku Scott Adams, penulis/pelukis Dilbert yang terbaru iaitu " How To Fail At Almost Everything and Win Big"

.. think about it ....

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Awal Pagi Dan Lewat Malam

Awal Pagi

Kalau televisyen dipanggil 'idiot box', apa yang harus digelar penontonnya?

Lewat Malam

Mata sudah berat ..namun mesti digagahkan untuk masa hadapan ... once you have a clear idea about your future, the plan shows itself slowly .... follow up itu penting ...

Monday, January 12, 2015

Kata Hikmat Buddha Tentang Kita

" Kita adalah apa yang kita fikir ...
siapakah diri kita yang akan datang...
dengan fikiran kita
dengan fikiran kita
Kita mewujudkan dunia kita ..."

Pernah baca tentang frasa di atas .. tapi sekarang it makes sense ...

you know what I'm saying ...

heard this song while typed this post...

Sunday, January 11, 2015

Coulda, Shoulda, Woulda Is So Done For Us

Chatting with a lady friend earlier today through Telegram produced a line that I never thought I could type that easy ..

" Coulda, shoulda, woulda is so done for us "

At that point, we were talking about her bf ... just a brief background, I thought we had a thing ten years ago, but I was wrong and it didn't work out . And for the first time, I put all of that stuff behind and told her that I hope things between her and the current bf would work out.

I am so done with all that .... time to move on eh ...

I plan to post more frequently using Doogie and Carrie Bradshaw for inspiration ;-]

Doogie was the original blogger ;-]

Thursday, January 01, 2015

2014 ---> 2015 Goodbye Old Year, Happy New Year

Baru 20 minit sudah masuk tahun 2015, apa review mengenai 2014? Senang...what has happened and there is always a reason behind it .. good or bad. Satu yang pasti ialah you reap what you sow. Jadi, apa2 yang berlaku pada 2014 saya terima dengan redha. Lessons learnt will be applied to 2015. ..

rambut sudah beruban ... umur sudah masuk awal 40an .... mortality starts to beckon ...

 2015 .. some changes will be coming .... all the best to all of us.