Monday, April 01, 2024

Kisah Tentang Rafizah 1973-2020

April 1 2020, 3.25 pm, arwah pergi ...

Rafizah Abd Rahman saya ingat adalah begini ...

1. Masuk PPP/ITM Shah Alam, tahun 1991, kursus Bahasa Inggeris track Accelerated.

Hari kelas pertama, sesi ice-breaking, kami bertegur sapa. Beliau cerita tentang pengalaman beliau menghadiri kelas Carnegie selepas SPM 90, yang mengajar beliau tentang study skills.

Sesi drama kelas mana kumpulan beliau membuat sketsa detergent yg sungguh dasat ... salah satu ahli kumpulan beliau masa itu adalah Abdul Razak Ahmad.

2. Berpacaran dengan rakan sebilik 501/11 saudara Razman, masa PPP/ITM

-kereta Honda Accord merah beliau menjadi saksi kisah mereka
-Razman's famous declaration untuk tidak bercouple masa PPP. Turns out he was the first in the room to do so :P
-beliau datang jalan2 ke DC masa winter of 94 dengan Razman, a surprise visit
-kali terakhir saya lihat mereka berpacaran semasa Razman kembali bercuti semasa belajar Master, sekitar hujung 95 atau 96.

3. The famous/infamous trip to Pangkor July 1992

Memang confirm mereka bercouple - Razman dan Fizah
Tangan setan muncul ... budak 501/11 je yang faham joke ini

The Pangkor Trip gang July 1992

4. Jumpa dengan beliau dan keluarga di Subang Parade masa first year kahwin (2006), secara kebetulan

Talked for a while, I remembered masa tu kat the ground level floor. Dia kata hubby dia tengah bawak their two girls pi Toys R Us masa tu. :) sadly, that was the last time saw her face to face.


On and off, selepas tu, ada jumpa online, FB and LinkedIn, tegur sikit, nothing much. Tapi, she will always be a fond memory.

Salam takziah, Fizah. Semoga kau tenang di sana. Al-Fatihah, Amin.

Da Discipline

 Have the dscipline to do the little things that you don't like, and you can spend your life doing the big things that you like.

- Andrew Matthews -

I am relearning this lesson again,

underrated sangat lagu ini

Friday, March 22, 2024

We All Fail

 From Andrew Matthews

We all fail. But, it is not failing that hurts. What hurts is knowing you never gave your best.


Ya ya .. I am back. Will post more frequently from now.

Apa jadi? Axl sings it below ... :P

Live in Tokyo

Tuesday, January 30, 2024

My Graduation

 Perhaps, I have graduated finally from Jasin. Last weekend was kind of about it.

The inspiration

Sunday, January 28, 2024

Little Things

From Andrew Matthews

Have to do the little things that you do not like, so you can spend doing the big things that you do like.

its always the little things

Wednesday, January 24, 2024


 We all fail.

But it is not failing that hurts. What hurts is knowing you didn't give your best.

Andrew Matthews, Happiness in a Nutshell, page 6.

sometimes, it crawls ....

Thursday, January 11, 2024

Run ...

 Is it the journey or destination? I kinda ask myself that question here and bit today, and this song came up. I think it is both, and the key is to know what is the journey and what is the destination, sebab kalau tak tau destination, atau salah destination, what was the journey worth it?

Dang, I need more sleep.

-the music video
-this song became famous as it featured in Varsity Blues movie soundtrack

Tuesday, January 09, 2024

Oops Up ...

Oops up inside your head ... gotta boogie ... once you take action, baru things mula boogie2 ...

Penting untuk mulakan dan habiskan ..

It's like a day, when nothing goes your way ... But you stick it out anyway, cos you are a champ.


rock the video above :)