2) syafakallah, Prof Kamil.
A blog by Ome, who writes about various stuff, both personal and professional. A work in progress, as always, as life is ..
1) just give. Dont think about da return.
2) bila dah terkena, be extra careful, kalau tak terkena lagi.
watch them all fall down
1) you have done what you have done. Apa nak jadi, jadi la ... jalan teruih.
2) being despondent is ok, it's human. Biarkan ia sampai dan let it go.
3) there is always a silver lining, bruh ...
3) the blings2 never change you, it amplifies who you really are. Learn.
4) gotta admit that today is one of the most down moments I have felt ... Rasa mcm despondent je ... *Sigh* ..