Friday, January 06, 2012

Falling to Pieces

As I am handling my crisis as best as I can ... for the past few days, I am hit by waves and waves of remorse of nostalgia ... things that was and could have been .... and it happens as I compared myself to other people. And I know most people would say, that sucks and can be demoralizing .... but in a way, they can serve as a milestone of where you are, in a way. And I came to a simple and painful conclusion...*sigh*.. and it is effing obvious ... they focused and did the work ... and I did not do it. *sigh* ... Tony Robbins message makes sense ... man tend to avoid pain and embrace pleasure... I ignored the pain and went for pleasure ... Pada masa ini, surah Al-Asr berkumandang dalam minda ini, dan memang benar .. masa itu emas dan mata pedang. Jika tidak menggunakannya dengan betul, ia akan datang melukakan kita kembali. Syukur aku sudah sedar ... Amin.


997 said...

ome, u are not alone. having taken the steps i took in 2011, i feel like i am moving backwards instead of forward. there are days when i feel i shouldn't have done somethings i did.

but i guess that is how life teaches us, right? thru pains and hurts. i know u will do fine. just remember, we are not measured by what we have achieved, but how we achieved what we currently have...

Azmir Ismail said...

thanks 997 :) .. yeah, I know what you mean ... in the end, it is a muhasabah for me ..